Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Treaty Of Versailles Essay - 975 Words
The Versailles treaty was the peace settlement between Germany and the Allied powers that eventually ended world war one. Even Though it ended this war the treaty of Versailles was hated by many American and Germany. Germany made many threats to the Allied powers. The passing of the Treaty of Versailles resulted in unpopular backlash from both Germany and America. France, Italy, Britain and the U.S. met at the Capitol to talk about the terms of peace for the post war. Germany thought this was unfair due to the fact they were not able to attend this talk. The Allied powers told Germany to just sign the treaty and they did not need to know what it was about. Germans refused to sign this treaty and some talked about going back to war.†¦show more content†¦These men were, David Lloyd George from the UK, Georges Clemenceau from France, and Woodrow Wilson from the U.S. These men ignored Germanys complaints they sent back about the Versailles treaty. These three men were complicate d and hard to work work with. According to Chris truman, â€Å" David Lloyd George had two view on how Germany should be treated. If George showed any signs of weakness towards Germany he would have quickly been voted out of office. â€Å" Hang the Kaiser†and â€Å" make Germany pay†were two very common quotes in the time of the versailles treaty. George was concerned about communism rising in Russia and had thoughts that it might spread to western Europe. George felt that Germany was the only thing that could stop communism if it spread into Russia. Georges Clemenceau says â€Å" Germany should be brought to its knees so she can never start war again.†The is his only view according to Chris Truman. Woodrow Wilson had been shocked by the devastation from the Great War. Wilson wanted to leave Europe to its on and to concentrate on U.S. instead of worrying about everyone else. He wanted to keep all input in and out of Russia to a minimum. The Treaty of Versailles was a very unfair document towards Germany. According to Mike Dowling, the treaty had taken away Germanys overseas colonies and their coal source. Germany could not build large ships and their army was a joke.Show MoreRelatedThe Treaty Of The Versailles Treaty1861 Words  | 8 PagesWhat responsibility did each of the â€Å"Big Three†have for the failure of the Versailles Treaty to bring peace to Europe? Be sure to discuss what each wanted to accomplish. The treaty of the Versailles was an agreement between France, England and the United states. Its intentions were to prevent a second world war however, it was a total fail. An obvious reason for not being effective could be because not everyone was included in the conference such as Russia, and Central Powers. Instead, Prime ministerRead MoreThe Treaty of Versailles1684 Words  | 7 PagesInvestigation The Treaty of Versailles was created to bring peace between nations after WWI. This investigation will answer the following question: To what extent did the Treaty of Versailles bring peace? In this investigation, the extent of the Versailles Treaty’s success will be evaluated by examining the period of its development, 1918, to the rise of Hitler, 1933. Several sources were used in this investigation including a number of books that look at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the reactionsRead MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles2228 Words  | 9 PagesUpon signing the Treaty of Versailles in June 1919, then British Prime Minister Lloyd George declared: â€Å"We will have to fight another war in 25 years time, and at three times the cost.†This ominous prediction came true as the controversial peace settlement brought no end to conflict in Europe. The Treaty was described by critics as Carthaginian: a peace so brutal it crushes the defeated side. This was the intenti on of the Allies, who felt a disabled Germany was the best way to preserve peace. ThisRead MoreTreaty of Versailles1324 Words  | 6 PagesTreaty of Versailles Essay One of the most important documents ever, The Treaty of Versailles was proposed to be a peace settlement between the victorious Allies and the defeated Germans at the outcome of World War I. The document was a major disaster and did not serve any of the purposes it was drawn for. The harsh provisions of the treaty along with its unfair orders to Germany led to the worlds most horrific leader come to power and also set the platform for another war. The treaty became aRead MoreThe Treaty of Versailles1055 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference The Treaty of Versailles was formally drafted and World War I was finally brought to an end. The treaty was drafted by the Allied Powers, which consisted of Great Britain, France and the United States. This treaty blamed the war solely on Germany, and it required them to pay an amount of â€Å"$33 billion dollars in reparations, cede all of colonies, dismantle their air force, and greatly reduce their other military operat ions†(German Delegation, 291). The GermanRead MoreSignificance Of The Treaty Of Versailles1514 Words  | 7 PagesMadison Welzbacher September 19, 2014 World History Significance of the Treaty of Versailles World War I was a devastating war that had a long-lasting effect on every European country. After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian throne, and his wife by the hands of a Serbian terrorist group known as the Black Hand. Germany urged Austria-Hungary to attack Serbia, but Russia stepped up to protect the country. Germany ambushed Belgium, and proceeded to Russia, throwing GreatRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Treaty Of Versailles Essay1182 Words  | 5 Pagesthought out plan, however many other countries like France and Russia wanted vengeance on Germany. With great objection, Germany signed the treaty. The nation was deemed responsible for the war, leaving Germany feeling oppressed by the other nations. Although Wilson s 14 points was an excellent proposal to end the war and maintain world peace, the Treaty of Versailles prevailed resulting in hostility between nations . Wilson s Fourteen points had the potential to possibly prevent future wars and createRead MoreThe Outbreak Of The Treaty Of Versailles1968 Words  | 8 Pagesunavoidable after the Treaty of Versailles†Discuss. HY116 week 5 essay On the 28th of June 1919, after six months of negotiations the Treaty of Versailles formally ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied powers. The Paris Peace Conferences set about to establish at durable peace and insure that World War One would be the war to end all wars. Nevertheless, thirty years later Adolf Hitler invaded Poland and conflict erupted once again. Thus the Treaty of Versailles failed in providingRead MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles Necessary978 Words  | 4 Pagesmillion lives and trillions of dollars. However, the entire war could of been prevented. Many wars in history could have been prevented. Rash decisions ignite wars and change history forever. One example of a rash decision is the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to pay excessive reparations. This was impossible at the time, as the country was just in a long and expensive war. Another irrational decision was the laws of the League of Nations. The League of Nations was aRead MoreThe Consequences Of The Treaty Of Versailles1015 Words  | 5 PagesCentral Powers realized that the peace terms stated in the Treaty of Versailles did not help to maintain world peace. When the Allies created the Treaty they designed it in a bad way. Rather than specific, the Treaty didn’t make much sense because it was wordy. John Maynard Keynes – an English economist - attended the Paris Peace Conference and wrote the book The Economic Consequences of Peace in which he stated his opinion about the Treaty. In Thornstein Veblen’s review of The Economic Consequences
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Creating The Corporate Marketing Function - 1429 Words
Many firms try to gain competitive advantage by operating in several businesses simultaneously, including Walt Disney Company. It used both vertical and horizontal integration for its approaches. In expanding the firm by integrating preceding production processes, the company becomes its own distributor with the creation of Buena Vista Distribution and has its own network to broadcast its production, ABC. This way, the company is not dependent on any single industries. Also a part of the forward integration strategy is creating the corporate marketing function. After producing their animated and live action films in its own studios, the marketing team can coordinate the advertisement of companywide products and services, then it can†¦show more content†¦One of the new vertical integration expansions in Eisner’s era is the establishment of corporate marketing function that is able to help the company in reducing transaction costs. With all the new and expanding product s Walt Disney Company creates in every short amount of time, marketing would play a big part. Instead of each individual businesses spending search costs in making decisions when outsourcing, then the negotiating, contracting, and monitoring costs that comes afterwards, not to mention the enforcement costs, it would be more cost saving if there is a marketing function that coordinates with the previous stages of all the businesses. In Walt Disney’s era, Disney has created television programs in a TV network ABC and it still continued in Eisner’s era. As time pasts, Eisner decided to do another vertical integration strategy by buying ABC instead which was considered ideal at the time. Disney is doing a forward integration by broadcasting its productions in its own programming distribution channel it has bought. This strategy creates a more secure distribution process of the company’s production. An alternative approach is the related diversification strategy. With this strategy, Walt Disney Company can benefit from horizontal relationships across different businesses by pooling shared activities in the sales force. This enables the company to benefit from economies of scope. Disney started focusing more on theirShow MoreRelatedProject Essay699 Words  | 3 PagesProject Oxygen using the functions approach, Mintzbergs roles approach, and the skills approach. I feel the function approach is one of the methods used in classification of activities that occur in marketing processes by breaking down the processes into functions. A marketing function is defined as a major specialized activity performed in accomplishing the marketing process, buying function, transportation function, processing function, storage function and selling function. 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Marketing Management for Digital Marketing Strategy -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theMarketing Management for Digital Marketing Strategy. Answer: Evaluate My Valuer, New Zealand current digital marketing strategy using the 4E framework: Experience and Engage While undertaking a look towards My Valuer and evaluating the 4E framework effectiveness for the social media, it was quickly analysed that the organization is expanding in its field. Through disseminating the news about what new in the property market, My Valuer quickly inform their customers about the new offering or products and how the same work with whats new. Among the new products its entirely exists on customers to live the experience and get a property in new areas with modern facilities. For the one, who select live experience, they mostly get engaged. My Valuer quickly reaches out to people, as they move towards new information and accordingly update their customers. These customers are interested in the advancement of services or products whether its the case of new home features (Ries, 2003). My Valuer engage their customers in their new technologies, which is mainly planned to produce with the help of social media. Twitter and Facebook is the right place for the complete world to view what is actually about taking on the market. With the reduction in the usage of television, because the new generation is moving towards Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Streaming to attain the instant gratification, this situation happened when the generation stopped watching the commercials, or either they wait for the scheduled time of their favourite shows. Thats the reason; social applications are working best in spreading the news of property market (Grewal, 2016). Recommend a marketing strategy for each element of the 4E framework, justify your selected digital platform for each individual element according to desired growth of your organisation and positioning and the target customer. Plan and provide a timeline of your marketing strategy My Valuer encompasses the complete 4E framework with experience, and engagements. My Valuer tries to engage their customers through their products and by capturing the events and images that are record-breaking. My Valuer also seeks to engage their customers by sharing the property information via short content or by videos about the products or new investment options. To experience the brand, it is good to view the YouTube videos and attain the information without My Valuer can in sight. My Valuer marketing depends on various websites, newspapers, messages, as they can push the envelope and post unique content of the brand. (Hoskisson, Michael, Duane Harrison, 2012). Social media is the selected digital platform of My Valuer, who refers to the content that is distributed with the help of mobile and online technologies, to facilitate the interpersonal communication. The 4E framework covers, assisting customers in experiencing the products and providing them with an opportunity to get involved with the social network. Within the elements of the 4E framework, social media is mainly applicable to get engage with customers. As per 4E framework of social media and in attempting to engage with the customers, My Valuer spends their time in explaining the advantages and product features, and they also initiate the customers to provide them with feedback. Experience customers- through this element My Valuer impart an opportunity, through which customers can easily understand the company and the same is done through videos, test trails, and customer review (Armstrong, Adam, Deneize Kotler, 2014). Potential customers visit the stores or websites, in this manner marketer holds an opportunity to provide best experience to customers about the provided deals and benefits, along with value proposition. Engage customers- My Valuer engages the customers through their new offers and invite them to visit the places. My Valuer actively makes use of social media such as Google+ and Facebook for communicating the new deals and offers, which can attract the customers towards the property. Growth- Currently, My Valuer is very popular in New Zealand and has successfully grabbed many customers. They offer various products to their customers like office buildings, restaurants, houses, along with various other facilities inside the townships like sports, relaxation, tours, etc. My Valuer also promote their products through their events which support them in driving the digital and physical engagement (Kluyver, 2010). Positioning- the company position itself as the top property Valuer and offer best rates to their customers (Sharp, 2010). Targeting- My Valuer target at the residents of New Zealand as their customers. Along with them they also focus on customers interested in getting the commercial property. My Valuer captures the social media channels through their graphics as well as copywriting post, which is liked by audiences. In this way, they communicate their message to the public. Marketing Strategy timeline: References Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Deneize, S., Kotler, P. (2014). Principles of Marketing. Pearson Australia Grewal, D. (2016). Marketing (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw. Hoskisson, R. E., Michael, A., Duane, H. R., Harrison, J. S. (2012). Competing for Advantage. Cengage Learning Kluyver, C. D. (2010). Fundamentals of Global Strategy: A Business Model Approach. Business Expert Press Ries. (2003). Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt Limited Sharp, B. (2010). How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don't Know? OUP Australia New Zealand
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