Thursday, January 23, 2020
Ghost Story of a Hell House :: Ghost Stories Urban Legends
Ghost Story of a Hell House The legend that I collected is a popular local myth about an old building and its resident out in the woods near the story's location. The person who told this story to me is my roommate; he is a white, middle-class, twenty-year-old who is studying government and psychology. I collected the story from him in our apartment one Tuesday night, sitting on our couch amidst a group of friends while listening to some loud music. The teller’s performance of the story is important to note. Due to the loud music and distracting atmosphere, the story was not told very smoothly. The teller made a lot of pauses and had to repeat himself several times. Furthermore, the teller did not know any solid facts, such as specific dates. Everything that he mentioned in terms of time were clearly estimates, as indicated by his facial expressions and verbal pauses. The teller prefaced the story by trying to get me to recognize the location of the Hell House. We had gone hiking around the state park where near the house, and he explained its location by saying â€Å"you know that hill and those woods near the train tracks at the bottom of the mountain†¦Well, Hell House is over near there. I’m sure you’ve seen it dude.†I admitted that I knew where it was so that he would go on with the story, even though I was certain I hadn’t seen any creepy looking houses when I was over in that area. He continued the story by explaining that the place was originally â€Å"Mount Saint Mary’s†college in Old Catonsville, Maryland during the 1800s. He then said â€Å"oh right, it was actually a women’s school.†He paused here for a minute and then carried on to tell me that most of it burned down in the 1930s and a whole lot of people died. After a moment he said â€Å"actually it may have been the 10s or the 20s, I’m not so sure.†The only thing that remained after this fire was an old burnt up house that the groundskeeper lived in and continues to live in. The teller then said that the groundskeeper was â€Å"seriously old and weird†and that he is not sure whether he is alive or dead, but he made sure to emphasize that â€Å"if he is still alive he is probably real [expletive deleted by author] old.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Working in partnership with others in education
Mary Warnock emphasized on the importance of placing the assorted forms of disablements frequently leads to different sorts of particular educational demands. She points out that autistic spectrum differs from other childhood conditions and affect an unusual manner of sing the societal universe and the form of development ( Cigman, 2007 ) . The Particular Educational Needs codification of Practice devotes a chapter to parents saying â€Å" working in partnership with parents which portray how LEAs and schools should back up parents during statutory appraisal. †Parents must be allowed to take portion in the determination devising procedure when bespeaking a statutory appraisal ( DfES, 2001 ) .The Education Act ( 1996 ) suggests that LEAs have the duties in run intoing the particular educational demands of kids. This procedure begins when a referral is issued to the LEA bespeaking a statutory appraisal in order to find how to run into the demands of kids with particular demands . This procedure takes about 26 hebdomads to be carried out and completed. However, if the Local Authorities disagrees with the referral or petition, parents have the legal right to appeal to the Particular Educational Needs Tribunal ( SENT ) , ( Farrell, 1997 ) . There are assorted jobs and issues that parents experience when seeking educational aid for their kids with particular demands. First, the clip frame for an entreaty to be accepted and acknowledged by the courts takes about six hebdomads. As a consequence of the long waiting period, parents frequently become stressed and defeated. Sometimes the procedure period is excessively long therefore giving rise to other terrible jobs, such as diagnosing and intervention for illustration if a kid is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) at a certain age ( 0-16 ) but at 17 old ages the diagnosing will be classified as something else. Conduct upset is an illustration. Applying independently for a statutory appraisal can be really nerve-racking for parents ; a long ‘waiting game ‘ and parents may get down to miss assurance in the system ( Cowne, 1996 ) .A In most instances parents find it hard to acquire the procedure started, holding to ‘fight ‘ to acquire their kid assessed ( Taylor, 2003 ) .A The Education Act ( 1996 ) states that it is the LEA ‘s duty to organize the demands to run into a kid ‘s demands as have been identified by the statutory appraisal and underlined in the statement.A In treatments held by the Audit Commission with parents, the bulk agreed that whenever the school failed to mention their kid for an appraisal, they found it thwarting and nerve-racking. A parent in peculiar commented â€Å" I found it hard to get down the procedure †. I had to implore†¦ ‘ ( Taylor, 2003 ) . Some parents felt there is a immense hold in get downing the procedure whereas others experience clip troubles whilst the procedure begins.A The House of Commons ( 2006 ) reports that there is a great concern in the length of clip it takes to measure and treat a statement ; this in its ain right can hold terrible effects on a kid ‘s instruction. Lack of parental partnership besides seemed to hold posed jobs for parents while seeking educational support for their SEN kids. Throughout appraisal of particular demands proviso, parents have a right to take part to the full, nevertheless they can merely make so if appropriate information about the system and procedure they are prosecuting in are given to them.It besides helps if the professionals genuinely listen to the parents. Whitaker ‘s research ( 2007 ) ascertain issues for parents of kids with Autistic Spectrum Disorders ( ASD ) in mainstream schools and found that parental partnerships were the beginning of many dissatisfaction. He states that â€Å" Parents placed a high value on the willingness of school staff to listen and take earnestly any concerns that they may hold about their kid ‘s experiences and advancement. Conversely aˆÂ ¦failure to take parental concerns earnestly was a powerful cause of dissatisfaction peculiarly where parents felt they were seen as needlessly crabbed. †( Wall, 2003 ) Parents do go vulnerable and stressed if they are sing troubles in obtaining adequate information and support from schools and Local Authorities. ( Robson, 1989 ) declared that â€Å" a successful partnership is based on equality, whereby each spouse recognises and benefits from the endowments, accomplishments expertness and cognition of the other. At times one spouse may follow a comparatively inactive function, in other state of affairss a more active function. †The Lamb Inquiry ( DCSF, 2009 ) besides highlighted that parents preponderantly wanted a system that worked for them and their kids: Parents have told us that good, honest and unfastened communicating is the most indispensable component for constructing assurance and good relationships. Face to confront communicating with parents and handling them as equal spouses with expertness is critical to set uping and prolonging assurance ( Wall, 2003 ) . This clearly shows how hapless communicating between schools and Local governments can be strenuous for parents. In an article a parent shared her ambitious experiences in having appropriate educational support for her 11yr old boy. Christine Grainger, a female parent from Surrey, says voyaging the system on behalf of kids with particular demands is hard and time-consuming. Christine ‘s 11-year-old boy Dean, has dyslexia, dyspraxia and attention-deficit hyperactivity upset ( ADHD ) and she had a conflict to acquire the specializer learning he needed. Christine says she is disillusioned with the system. At the terminal of his response twelvemonth, she was told Dean had jobs and was being put on the SEN registry. When he was finally given a statement stating he needed 20 hours of support, Christine was told the school did non hold the specialist staff required to back up him and was asked to happen a different school â€Å" First of all Dean did n't desire to go forth his school because he ‘d do some particular friends and it was besides hard seeking to happen a school that would run into all of Dean ‘s demands â€Å" We found we could n't merely take him to any school, I had to seek and happen a school that would accept him with all the jobs that he ‘s got †( Tomlinson, 1981 ) . Inclusion has been identified as one of the cardinal issues that parents find unsatisfactory. It is of import because it affects kids with and without disablements. Harmonizing to Taylor ( 2003 ) the issue debated in 1970 ‘s, was whether handicapped kids learn best in incorporate or unintegrated categories. Conversely some parents felt that they were given excessively much information and non adequate clip to understand. Most parent ‘did n't understand what the information meant in English†¦ ‘ experiencing ‘bombarded ‘ ( Taylor, 2003 ) . It is said that it is the Local Authority ( LA ) responsibilities to guarantee that a proposed statement is sent out to parents no subsequently than 12 hebdomads after the statutory appraisal Begin. The statement consists of six subdivisions in which parents find it difficult to understand what it all entails ( Cigman, 2007 ) . Problems persist even once the statement has been issued. Most parents found out that their kids had received a statement but failed to understand what each subdivision was approximately. One parent stated that †she will be maintaining an oculus on the school to guarantee that the kid ‘s statement is followed through †( Taylor, 2003 ) . The most hard job that parents come across is ; acquiring their kid assessed, particularly if the kid was referred by the school. When a parent realizes that their kid seems to be sing troubles whilst acquisition, parents should first reach the school.A If the school agrees that there might be jobs, with the parents consent they will register the kid on the school action /school action plus docket. These are intercession plans that assist kids with educational demands to make the set marks in class.A If parents find these plan unsuitable for their kids ‘s demands referral for a statutory appraisal is otherwise available.A Merely a parent, the school, wellness authorization or societal services section is allowed to bespeak statutory assessment.A It is ever advisable that parents should advise the school foremost. However, some parents have problem speaking to their kid ‘s school because ‘the school wo n't accept that kid has particular educational demands ‘ ( Moore, 2004 ) . There is a procedure that parents has to follow when seeking appraisal for their kid. Wolfendale introduced a instance survey scenario, where the parents approached the educational psychologist when they came to the school for a everyday visit, they found that the school had ne'er informed the psychologist about their kid ( Bell, 2003 ) In fortunes where parents and school do non hold, a parent may near the Local Authorities ( LA ) independently. However, the LA may be loath to get down the procedure for fiscal grounds. The Audit Commission wrote a study ‘Statutory appraisal and statements of SEN: in demand of reappraisal? ‘ the Audit Commission looks at public money and the best manner to utilize it.A It writes that the demands for statements are lifting and ‘statements are intended for kids with higher degrees of demand†¦ based on a statutory appraisal ‘ ( IPSEA, 2001 ) . Geting a statutory appraisal is cost effectual and may non help the kid ‘s demand, this is why it is difficult to acquire LA to hold to the referral, ‘ if you do n't measure the demand how can you find what is required to run into it ‘ ( IPSEA, 2001 ) .A The lone path to acquiring a statement is through an appraisal ; the statement guarantees that the kid ‘s particular educational demands will be met.A There is besides the issue of the kid ‘s part ; they excessively have a part to do in their appraisal and the type of intercession programme that will profit them. The kids act ( 1989 ) and the Child Care Act ( 2006 ) supports the importance of listening to the kid which is besides echoed in the codification of pattern ( DfES ) , 2001. ) This is an of import consideration as it is frequently presumed that really immature kids and particularly those with particular demands are incapable of lending to discussion sing their instruction and acquisition, when in world they have valid sentiments and part to do which can inform parents, practicians and pattern. If kids are capable of lending to the procedure of appraisal so their positions should be valued and respected. Inequality is another facet that generates troubles for parents. It might be the instance that particular educational demands parents do non have the same intervention in comparing with the parents of normal mainstream pupils. One of the statements put frontward by those in favor of educational inclusion for all SEN kids is that such kids benefit from the societal life in a mainstream school and from the function theoretical accounts provided by typically developing kids ( Cigman, 2007 ) .There are more concerns about SEN kids than those who are considered normal, because of their forte, greater accent is placed on their educational development, as such parents with SEN kids are faced with more challenges than parents who have normal kids. Inclusion is besides a challenge faced by parents with particular kids. This is due to the fact that, particular kids do non work as the normal kids in the same schoolroom scene. There is the job of puting suited acquisition challenges, reacting to pupils ‘ diverse acquisition demands and get the better ofing possible barriers to larning and appraisal for persons and groups of students ( Farrell, 1997 ) .. In decision, it is apparent that the jobs and issues that parents encounter in determining educational support for their kids with SEN are many and continues to blossom as new diagnosing are made. It is really clear that the statutory appraisal which is of paramount importance is the really hard and disputing for parents. Many times parents are non given a opportunity to hold an input or do a positive part towards their kid.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Subjection Of Women By John Stuart Mill - 1724 Words
Written by John Stuart Mill in 1860-1861, as the Victorian era took place in England, â€Å"The Subjection of Women†is a critical piece of analysis in regards to the status of women in society and their unequal relationship with the opposite sex. During Mill s lifetime, women were considered to be inferior to men by custom and laws, and therefore, they were expected to be submissive in nature. Deeply influenced by the ideas of his wife Harriet Taylor Mill, and John Stuart Mill’s own beliefs, â€Å"The Subjection of Women†was published in 1869, becoming a piece of literature that would not only challenge the common views of society at the time, but would also advocate for different approaches in light of modern times. Throughout his essay Mill†¦show more content†¦Therefore, any conclusions on woman’s nature should only be taken after women have been given the chance to truly experience equality. As Mill himself maintained: I deny that anyone knows or can know, the nature of the two sexes, as long as they have only been seen in their present relation to one another. Until conditions of equality exist, no one can possibly assess the natural differences between women and men, distorted as they have been. What is natural to the two sexes can only be found out by allowing both to develop and use their faculties freely Another of the arguments made by John Stuart Mill in the first chapter is that even when society had seemed to accept the idea that a person’s birth should not determine his/her social position in life, when it comes to the subordination of women there is not such acceptance. Men continue to believe that it comes natural for women to prefer the vocation of wife and mother before anything else. However, they choose to overlook that women across the globe have been educated into the mentality that they are supposed to be feeble, emotional, and compliant. That they have been taught to submit to the superiority of males and most importantly to always put first the interest of their family and their men before her own, defining with it the way femalesShow MoreRelatedSubjection of Women by John Stuart Mill816 Words  | 4 Pageswork of his, The subjection of Women, Mill sets forth the objective of the essay. He explains in clear terms that the legal subordination of one sex to th e other is wrong in itself. This principle which regulates the existing social relations between the two sexes ought to be replaced by a principle of perfect equality. This principle should admit no power or privileges on the one side or disabilities on the other. Mill rejects society’s claim that the subordination of women is ‘natural’. 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