Monday, December 30, 2019
The Tempest By Julie Taymor - 1446 Words
4. The most recent version of The Tempest by Julie Taymor changes Prospero to â€Å"Prospera,†a female figure played by Helen Mirren. Consider both 17th-century gender issues and more recent ones in examination of the play’s discussions about virginity, marriage and femininity. In the 17th century, the issue with the gender roles being switched would be presumed as something different. I use ‘different’ because it could go both ways, it could be perceived as something good or bad to the audience. We see Prospero as a male because his controlling and obsessive nature leads you to male qualities. We do see these qualities in women, but not as much as you would in a male. Males tend to show those qualities more so, than vice versa. Also, if the main character Prospero was Shakespeare, then it would not have been able to be played by Shakespeare himself and it would not relate as much to his life, like the speculation seems to be. The female Prospera is different because then you get into the role of the sexual relationship between Ariel and Prospera. There is a senseâ€â€or hint rather, that something can happen from these two characters. It would change the play entirely because you would have a female character and they react differently to betrayal and revenge. We, as women, do not act like Prospero does, we have a lot more sympathy and forgiveness for people. In the 17th century, a female with magical powers would be considered a witch and witches are perceived as conniving,Show MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s The Tempest And Julie Taymor s Film Version Of The Play1424 Words  | 6 PagesThe poem, The Tempest was written by William Shakespeare which consists of romance. The poem is written in 1610-1611 in England and published in 1623. Its literacy period is the Renaissance (1500-1660). Julie Taymore’s film version of the play allowed the audiences see a visual of the play and how each actor s portrayed the characters of the play. One notable difference between William Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Julie Taymor’s film version of the play is the results of Prospero’s magic. This differenceRead MoreFilm Adaptation Of Shakespeare s The Tempest1122 Words  | 5 PagesJulie Taymor s 2010 film adaptation of Shakespeare s The Tempest is a truthful recreation of the classic romantic tragicomedy in all aspects except that the role of the magician, Prospero, is played by Helen Mirren, turning him from Prospero to Prospera. Through this simple change in the gender of one of the main characters, we see the play s themes called into question and viewed differently to how they would have been if the role of Prospero was played by a male. These themes include the usurpationRead MoreThe Tempest: 3 Differences Between the Play and the Movie952 Words  | 4 Pages3 Differences Between The Play And Movie â€Å"The Tempest†â€Å"The Tempest†is a play written by William Shakespeare in early 1600s that has been previewed in different kinds of movies, such as the one made in 2010, directed by Julie Taymor. It is a play containing themes such as; revenge, allusion, retribution, forgiveness, power, love and hatred. When it is compared to the play, there are specific differences seen in the movie, such as; Prospero is reflected as a woman in the movie. The time differencesRead MoreThe Tempest Adaptations and Transformations2100 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿Julie Taymor’s film adaptation of William Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ contains many alterations from the play. These differences include how Taymor’s decision to change Prospero’s gender affects the actions and reactions of other characters. Filmic advantages are used successfully to enhance how the audience perceives the gender change of the protagonist, as well as how the behaviour of the minor characters are altered because if it. The relationship between the characters is heightened by makeupRead MoreEssay about Prospera, Thy Role Is Woman972 Words  | 4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare, in his play, The Tempest, tells the story of a fictional exiled Duke of Milan. In the original play, Shakespeare casts the duke as a man, Prospero. In a modern movie version of the play, writer and director Julie Taymor casts the duke as a woman, Prospera powerfully portrayed by the very convincing performance of Helen Mirren. The play, surprisingly, requires only a few very minor line changes to substitute a woman lead for the original male role. While the actual dialogue changesRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare1179 Words  | 5 Pageswords. Shakespeare’s play, The Tempest consists of a deeper meaning throughout the play to which he incorporates a deep-seated lesson at the end of the story. His use of words grab the reader’s attention and makes them reenact the play in thei r own imagination with incredible force. Shakespeare’s immense impact in literature allow for his plays to still be venerated and recreated around the world today. Director Julie Taymor recreated Shakespeare’s play, The Tempest and showed her own interpretation
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Synthesis Essay Louis Zamperini - 1782 Words
Synthesis Essay – Louis Zamperini SMSgt Joey Barta Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy February 6, 2015 Instructor: MSgt Witherspoon Louis Zamperini Imagine what it would take to one day be competing as an Olympic athlete, soon after find yourself stranded on a life raft for forty-seven days, only to be captured as a prisoner of war (POW) for the next twenty-five months. This is exactly what Louis Zamperini did and he lived through it all too be a visionary and ethical leader until the day he died. In this paper I will explain how through all ups and downs of Zamperini’s life he used the elements of adaptability and transactional leadership behavior of contingent rewards. I will also explain how he was an ethical leader by showcasing his resiliency and how his actions fit into the Air Force Core Value of service before self. I will also explain Zamperini’s actions relate to a few instances of me showing similar traits in my actions. First I will explain how Zamperini acted as a visionary leader. Visionary Leader Louis Zamperini acted as a visionary leader by frequently adapting to change throughout his life. According to the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education â€Å"adaptability†is broken down into three different elements; cognitive, emotional, and dispositional (Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education [BCEE], 2014b, p.5). Although Zamperini used all three of these elements in his actions, decisions, and
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Strengths and Challenges of Immigrant Families Free Essays
The understanding of the challenges facing immigrant health in the United States is vital to maximizing its trajectory towards transformation. As pointed out by Hall and Cuellar (2016), the negative impetus among the immigrant healthcare in the United States is greatly linked to the relationship between the immigration policies and immigration experiences. Even though the government has passed various legislations aimed to provide affordable health care to its citizens, the socio-political environment, and its effects healthcare service provision remains a troubling affair. We will write a custom essay sample on Strengths and Challenges of Immigrant Families or any similar topic only for you Order Now This study seeks to examine some of the pieces of evidence of disparities among the immigrants that interfere with their access to quality health care service in the United States of America. Barriers to health care access among the immigrants include unfriendly immigration policies, bureaucracies in the health care system and lack of capital to finance medical bills. Statement of the Study Problem Immigrants in the United States are faced with substantial challenges in accessing healthcare, and this has a great toll on their general wellbeing. These challenges can be attributed to the healthcare system. For example, the insurance coverage varies from one state to another, which leads to an intricate insurance scheme in the country. As a result, the government faces a greater challenge to influence uniform reforms at the national level. In spite of the Congress passing the patient and Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law in 2010, the immigrant communities in the country are still not able to access good healthcare services. This implies that the political will is necessary to promote the immigrants’ rights in various respects. The country should implement sound and sustainable immigration policies access essential services in the country. Immigrant Health and Its Challenges The negative trajectory to healthcare accessibility by immigrant communities is propelled by the existing harsh policies. For instance, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) impedes many local, state and federal health workers from supporting the undocumented immigrants (Hall ; Cuellar, 2016). Even though was sought as a tool to limit illegal immigration, such restrictions limit the immigrants to access publicly financed health services. Instead of serving the purpose of limiting illegal immigrants, (PRWORA) places deleterious effects on the immigrants’ access to publicly funded health care service. Another matter of concern how the implementation of ACA is possible when Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) obligates the immigrants to meet certain qualifications to be able to access any form of federal assistance. Even if they have a chance to Medicaid benefits, their time to access such is restricted. According to Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act in 1996, federal benefits are only limited to five years for the qualified immigrants and refugees. It is ostensible that the policies governing the healthcare providers in the United States place open restrictions to the immigrant communities. According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), immigration policies place an impediment to the refugees and immigrants to access health care in the United States. The organization maintains that social workers, healthcare service providers should be on the lookout to consider these social and legal statutes to deal with the barriers that limit the community wellbeing in the country. Besides these limiting policies, the immigrant communities are faced with the challenges of discrimination and prejudice whenever they visit any health facility. The problem of racism is still a disturbing matter in the United States. As much as policymakers and theorists try to deal with it, the problem seems to be deeply embedded in some people despite their roles in the society. Some health professionals are always reluctant to attend to patients from other ethnic communities. Also, most of the immigrant families have low income, which affects their ability to pay the hospital bills. Therefore, they face a serious problem when it comes to health care access. What Has Been Done Various individuals and organization have made incredible endeavors to address the immigrant health challenges in the United States. For instance, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) has been active in calling their members and partners to deal with the policies that affect the immigrant communities (Haidar, 2018). On the same pedestal, the former president Barack Obama in 2014 made public his intention to allow the undocumented immigrants to live in the country without the constant threats of deportation. He also sought to allow them to access legal employment in different companies and organizations. Due to the numerical strength of the Republicans in the Senate by then, the plan was thwarted and put on hold by one of the federal district judges in Texas. The argument was that when the plan would be allowed, it would place a strain on the health care system. Some of the major problems associated with the limited access to health care or lack of insurance coverage and poor political goodwill. Some of the effects of this veracity are lack of knowledge about health, screening, and prevention. There is also poor likelihood to access chronic infection management for the families that do not have health insurance coverage. According to study done by Gushulak, Weekers and MacPherson (2009), positive health care outcome and health care-seeking behavior are greatly associated with the healthcare insurance. It is important to note that the government has tried to implement the Affordable Care Act, but still, the immigration policies need to be dealt with to attain the best results. This implies that the government and the policymakers must come up with better approaches that guarantee affordable health care for all people indiscriminately. However, experts allude that the U.S. immigration integration policies are the best compared to other countries and is slightly favorable in regards to health policies. Since the election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States, various organizations concerned with the protection of the immigrants and refugees’ rights have issued statements to fight the unfriendly policies. They seek to revoke the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and others that they consider impediments to the immigrants’ access to essential public services (Hall ; Cuellar, 2016). The government has also developed certain measures sought to defend the rights of the foreign-born individuals in the country. One of them is the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), which is used as a blueprint guide in giving health care service to different populations. This means that immigrants and refugees in the country also commit the government to ensuring proper access to health care service. However, more needs to be done to allow immigrants easy access to health care services. Potential Challenges There is an effort to make reforms in the health care service so that all people in the United States can access them. However, it is open that there is poor political goodwill to fast-track such (Kullgren, 2003). When President Obama tried to come up with plans to support the immigrant communities, the plan was thwarted not on the basis of the arguments that were presented, but due to political stands. The members of the Republican Party used their number to defeat the plan in the Congress. According to experts, the barriers to health service for immigrant communities are vaster. They go beyond the policy, and range between financial incapacities, fear of deportation and discrimination among the health care service providers. For example, within the health care system are external resource constraints, discrimination, the costs of the health care services and many procedures within the system that one has to keep up with. In fact, the bureaucratic procedures within the health care system is not only disadvantageous to immigrants, but to other citizens as well. On the other hand, there are individual challenges that impede health care access among the immigrants. Some of the individual limitations include communication barriers, fear of deportation, stigma, financial incapacities and lack of knowledge about health care services. Also, at the policy level, immigrants meet difficulties in trying to access health care insurance. The requirement that individuals have to provide their documents to access such insurances is a greater challenge, more so to the undocumented immigrants. Therefore, despite the efforts, the challenges are seriously raging. Recommendations The recommendations to address these challenges range from advocacy for policy transformation, more training for the health care providers to better understand their professional roles, more and better insurance options, and extension of the security net. In other words, the government should increase access to all citizens irrespective of their background and status. Also, the government should allow access to state-funded health care or provide subsidized insurance opportunities to all people living in the united states. Essentially, there is a need for all the stakeholders involved in the matter to take these points with greater interests to guarantee access to affordable health care between both the documented and undocumented immigrants. If allowed to continue on the same pedestal, the United States would end up being a bad example that would be used as a case study for poor immigration health policies. Conclusion This study identifies some of the barriers to health care access by the immigrant communities. Some of the identified areas to be addressed include immigrant policies, the bureaucracies within the health care system as well as the expansion of health insurance options. The United States is celebrated in the world for having friendly blueprints that guide its health care policies. However, it is also apparent that those policies are not friendly to immigrants living in the country. Even though various stakeholders have tried to generate mitigating measures, there is still need to promote political goodwill for those options to succeed. In spite of the Congress passing the patient and Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law in 2010, the immigrant communities in the country are still not able to access good health care services due to poor political goodwill. It means that the government and policymakers must hasten their moves in coming up with proper measures to support immigrant health. Just as pointed out in this study, understanding the challenges that face immigrant health in the United States is vital to maximizing its path towards transformation. ? How to cite Strengths and Challenges of Immigrant Families, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Mci Communications Corp free essay sample
It seemed that the board of directors at MCI was divided between two possible solutions. Should the company finance the repurchase by increasing MCIs debt financing by at least doubling the current debt-equity ration that stood at 36% at that time (MCI)? Conversely, would a more conservative approach of using an open-market purchase program, announcing its intentions to repurchase its stock from time to time but only as corporate funds become available, be more appropriate (MCI)? The answer to this question will help determine the path that the company will follow in the years to come. It will also either instill confidence or continue the growing sense of restlessness that is currently being exhibited by the companys shareholders. Therefore, in an effort to determine the most advantageous path for MCI, we will focus on answering the following three questions given in the course module to meet our objectives. 1) What would be the effects of issuing $2 billion of new debt and using the proceeds to repurchase shares of the following: a) the book value of MCIs equity b) the price per share of MCIs stock; and c) the earnings per share of MCIs stock. We will write a custom essay sample on Mci Communications Corp or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ) What is the current WACC for MCI and what would it become after the new debt and repurchase? 3) Would you recommend this new debt and repurchase of stock alternative to the MCI Board of Directors? Explain your answer. The first questions asks us what would be the effects of issuing $2 billion of new debt and using the proceeds to repurchase shares of the book value of MCIs equity, the price per share of MCIs stock, and the earnings per share of MCIs stock. Referring to the chart below, we realize that by accruing debt re-capitalization by issuing a $2 billion debt to purchase $2 billion stock will not affect the firms cash flow. Based on the assumption of earning before the interest income remains the same, we have determined that the cost of debt will increased by $123 millions due to the interest accrued by the new debt. We get EBT by subtract the interest expenses from EBIT. Then we subtract the tax expenses from EBT will lead us to the new net income, $498 Million. The $2 billion debt divided by the current market price per share will result in a shares buy back of 72 million shares. Furthermore, the outstanding shares should be using the original outstanding shares minus the buy back shares. New EPS equals the new net income divided by the new shares outstanding. The new Long-term debt increase from $3,444 million to $5,444 million and therefore, the new book value of equity is $ 9,602 Million minus $2 billion. Based on these computations, MCIs new book value is $7,602 million. Equity holders will receive a higher expected rate of return after the re-capitalization, but will bear a higher level of risk per dollar invested, for which the higher expected rate of return precisely compensates them. By increasing debt, decreasing equity for $2 billion, MCIs EPS decreased 1 cents per share from $0. 83 per share to $ 0. 82 per share. However, the Price per share increased to $ 32. 31, PE ratio, and ROE are increased as well. (chart) The second question asks us to compute MCIs current WACC and what would it become after the new debt and repurchase. The first thing we need to do is determine MCIs existing WACC. The following formula is used: (formula) Given the following, provided in the case study, one is left to derive VL and rS: (chart) The CAPM provides the following means to derive rS: (chart) Based on these computations, MCIs new book value is $7,602 million. Equity holders will receive a higher expected rate of return after the re-capitalization, but will bear a higher level of risk per dollar invested, for which the higher expected rate of return precisely compensates them. To select the best option for MCI, we first need a clear separation between MCIs equity and debt. MCI is a leveraged firm and taxation influences the value of this firm. The last question asks whether we would recommend this new debt and repurchase of stock alternative to the MCI Board of Directors. Naturally, we will support our recommendation with data generated from the first two questions above. We recommend the board at MCI to issue the additional $2 billion in debt and to apply the capital to repurchase MCI stock based on MCIs current Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is 0. 362. We realize that by adding the additional $2 billion in debt, their WACC decreased to 0. 356. We realize that this is not a significant drop in the cost of capital; however, it is a decrease in cost. The next thing that we need to focus on is how the additional debt and repurchasing of stock effects the companies stock ratios. Since one of MCIs stated goals is to increase share holders value, we want to find out if the change in capital structure help the overall stock value? The answer can be found in question one. According to calculations, we determined that the PE Ratio increased from 33% to 40%. In addition, the price per share increased with this additional debt from $27. 75 to $32. 31. Lastly the ROE also increased from 5. 97% to 6. 55%. The only negative change determined was, the decrease in earning per share from $0. 83 to $0. 82. Again, we note the insignificant change with the earnings per share value; however we do keep in mind that the value did in fact decrease. Overall, the stock ratios that were evaluated with this additional debt improved. Based on the ratios given, we conclude that change in MCIs capital structure would add to the shareholder value. Lastly, we examined the effects of the tax shield that this debt would generate. With our current tax laws, there is a tax advantage for a company to be leveraged. Our tax structure allows a maximum tax rate in which at a certain point, the amount of debt generated does not grant additional tax shield. MCI has yet to hit their maximum tax rate and therefore, can still benefit from the tax advantages. The present value of the tax shield for MCI was calculated at $776 million while the interest expense on this new debt is $304 million. These numbers show that todays tax advantage dollars is more than double the cost of interest on this new debt. All of this data supports our recommendation to the board of directors that it would be beneficial for MCI to issue the 2 billion in debt in order to repurchase the company stock. The issuance of new debt and repurchasing of company owned stock looks to be the safest hedge against an insecure future/economy and stiffening competition from start ups and less debt-laden companies. The data, from the stock ratios down through the final WACC computations tend to quantifiably support our recommendations for the MCI Board. Couple this with the tax shelter benefits that are still currently below their cap, this growing telecommunications force should weather the late 90s storm and produce better than average dividends and earning estimates to maintain its stock prices and therefore its foothold in this lucrative and burgeoning field.
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